To help people who have to self-isolate because of Covid-19 we are setting up a Rodmell Library. Residents can book items and have them delivered (freshly disinfected) by volunteers.
On return, books will be kept out of circulation for 5 days to ensure that virus particles are not passed on (current medical advice is that they survive only one day on paper/cardboard, but we want to be safe)
You can search our catalogue online here:
Please note that the items listed which don’t have pictures of the front covers are DVDs. You can search this catalogue by category (Cookery, General Fiction, DVDs, Non-fiction), by title, by author, or by tag (e.g suspense, or romantic novels)
You can also browse the full catalogue using the link below
To reserve an item, please contact Jo Mortimer at or 07392 735472
Catalogue can be seen here: